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don't even know where to begin today. From legislation wanting cops to
go door to door in WA, to Magpul about to be kicked out of CO to
legislators wanting women facing a rapist to use a whistle... hold on,
this is going to be a very bumpy blog ride.
First to Washington State. A
new bill introduced would, among other guns grabbing schemes, have
County Sheriffs go DOOR TO DOOR inspecting the homes of 'assault weapon'
owners who would be grandfathered under a new ban.
I say "I told you going door to door is what the ultimate gun grabbers
plan is", let me use this quote from a life long democrat instead:
a liberal Democrat — I’ve voted for only one Republican in my life...
But now I understand why my right-wing opponents worry about having to
fight a government takeover.” -Lance Palmer.
There are several
cosponsors of the bill who are now back peddling because word is out
about the door to door search portion of the bill. Some are claiming
they didn't read the entire bill. While I don't doubt many politicians
actually read the bills they cosponsor, let alone vote for, I have a
feeling they are just trying to make excuses to save face as public
backlash will likely reach a frenzy when this blog post goes live.
If you live in WA, you'd better contact your reps and the Governor. Right now.
State Legislature:
Representative Locator:
this blog post will still be here in 15 minutes, come back and finish
it after you make your calls and fire off those emails.
Before I
get to Colorado, keep in mind all the other Rights being violated in
addition to the Second Amendment. While I primarily focus on RKBA and
it's enumeration in the 2A, I must point out the insanity being employed
by legislators from top to bottom both State and Federal. It's just as
asinine to think that an interstate commerce clause could be used to
justify background checks (at a federal level) as it is to think that
exercising your God (or Gaja or natural born) given Right to self
defense, which just so happens to be enumerated in the Second Amendment,
would somehow negate your Right to be secure in your persons, papers
and possessions. Which just so happen to be enumerate in the Fourth
This isn't a blog about your Rights, where they came
from or the fact that they existed prior to 1787 when the Constitution
was signed in to existence as the supreme law of the land so I won't get
into facts like the Supremacy clause only deals with the Constitution
and BOR, not every single law passed by Congress. So lets move on.
Colorado... you poor bastards. Four anti-gun bills passed in the House
and get your rape whistle ready ladies, things are going from bad to
The first bill is about universal background checks. For
those of you who aren't familiar with what that means. Read it as:
Universal Gun Registration.
Right now, in virtually every state
it is legal for a person to sell their private firearm to another person
without going through a federal firearms dealer and using a form 4473
and the associated background check. Keep in mind this isn't a carte
blanche check to sell to anyone. Laws vary in requirements but
generally you aren't allowed to give or sell a firearm to a person you
know is a prohibited person, a minor (by state law, remember the 18/21
rule is for FFL's only) and so forth. Don't let the gun grabbers fool
you on that.
Universal registration or background checks as the
gun grabbers would call it, is the first step in confiscation. Everyone
who has ever read a history book or listened to the stories of the
survivors of genocide, democide or the holocaust knows this is true. In
just the 20th century alone, over 100 million citizens were killed by
their own governments.
The gun grabbers know the term
'registration' is toxic on the national level and in most states is also
just as toxic. So they are now using the term Universal Background
checks instead.
For those not familiar with the laws pertaining to
those once yellow, now white, background check forms (4473), the FFL
must hold on to them for 20 years before they can destroy them. Should
they close shop for any reason, they must send all the 4473's from the
past 20 years in to the federal government. FFL's are non transferable,
so every time your local gun shop has changed hands... yep, all their
4473's less than 20 years old were turned over.
Right now, the
only thing stopping the federal government from knowing exactly who has
what, with the stroke of a pen, is that locating all those private
transfers would be a very daunting task.
For all those "I lost
my guns in a tragic boating accident" and "I sold them at the gun show
last month" guys... are you paying attention? Your dream of having a
cache of (rusted and useless) guns buried in the back forty is over.
is a bill about the fees and recovery of background check costs in CO.
Visit the link if you'd like to know more, but ask yourself, why
wouldn't they just use the 'free' federal one? See universal
registration from bill one if you'd like the answer.
Magpul (kudos to them for standing tall) is probably moving soon because
the CO Senate will be voting on this shortly. A ban on "high
capacity". 8 rounds for a shotgun and 15 for everything else. Why?
Because your life isn't as valuable in CO as a politicians or a police
officers. Silly proles.
Fourth and certainly not last is a ban on
college campus carry. This is where Rep Joe Salazar suggests call
boxes, safe zones and whistles. Apparently women aren't intelligent
enough to realize when they are being raped-
“It’s why we have
call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles.
Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you
don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like
someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in
trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you
pop … pop around [sic] at somebody.” Rep Joe Salazar, CO.
law makers from CO in support of this bill had similar statements
showing complete lack of regard for the safety and well being of college
students and in particular young women. I'm livid over this. I'm
beside myself. These people are insane... or perhaps just evil.
evil must a person be that they want women to be defenseless against a
rapist? Evil, evil to their very core. Yes I said it, they are evil. I
submit to you that a person who wants rapists to be safe from injury
while committing their crimes is evil. It's time to call them what they
are. Evil.
As a father of three daughters, I can't imagine
sending them off to college, or anywhere else, with a whistle for
"defense". It's absurd.
For those of you in Colorado, please contact your reps and the Governor right now. Don't wait.
House 1-800-811-7647
Senate 1-888-473-8136
Governor (303) 866-2471
those of you in the rest of the country, keep the pressure up. Both at
the State and Federal levels. Forget about yourselves. Your children
and grandchildren are counting on YOU. Because when it comes down to
it, you and I will be the only ones to blame should we allow their
Rights to be taken from them.
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
We'll be working hard to keep all of you up to date as we move forward.
-Permission is granted to reprint or repost this article provided it is
used in full, with links intact and the content is not altered,
including this section.
You can read more about the CO bills here: